Rock solid zin – Sobon Estate Rocky Top Zinfandel


The wine world is replete with fascinating facts. 

Here’s one.

Did you know that white…not red but white…zinfandel was the most popular

wine in the U.S. from the early 1980’s until the late 1990’s?   

Yes, white zin…sweet, pink and mass-produced…was the masses’

choice for nearly two decades.

Its dominance finally ended in 1998 when Chardonnay

knocked it off its perch. 


Fast-forward to today for surprising fact #2.

When it comes to sales, white zin kicks red zin’s backside.

Some estimates say white zin sells up to six times more

than its red counterpart.


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It’s Wine Thursday, our regular feature where we highlight

a good wine that sells at a decent price and is easy to find

at the store and online.   

Having not tasted a white zin in many years, some research is in the offing.

Meanwhile, we have found a red zinfandel that checks

all of the Wine Thursday! boxes.





Where it’s from

Plymouth, California is a tiny (population less than 1,000) historic mining town

40 minutes east of Sacramento.  While small by most measures,

Plymouth has become a significant site on the northern California wine scene.

There are now some 50 wineries located in Plymouth and the surrounding

Amador County hills. That includes Sobon Estate, one of the oldest wineries in California.   


What it is

Sobon’s Rocky Top is not shy.  It’s a full-bodied, spicy red brimming with

strong licorice and blackberry flavors.   It’s jammy but not obnoxiously so,

tannic without being overpowering and alcoholic (15%) but still winds up 

with a rich finish.  Unlike most wines in this price range, this Zinfandel is 

age worthy.  You could lay it down for 3-4 years.  But right now,

it would pair well with barbecue, sausage or pepperoni pizza.   


Where to buy it  

QFC has the ’21 Sobon Estate Rocky Top for $15.99. 

It’s at Safeway for $19.99.  Total Wine’s price is 21.99.

Same at Fred Meyer and Bevmo…$21.99. 

You can order it from for $14.99 

The price at the Bottle Barn is $15.49 

Wine Made Easy’s price is $15.99 

Binny’s has it for $17.99 

and same price at K & L