About Me

Good wine   Good buys   Easy to find

I’m not a sommelier, oenologist or a wine connoisseur.


I’m just someone who has drunk (and spit out) a boatload of $10-$25 wine trying to find the good deals and weed out the crap. And there is a lot of crap in this price range.


Years of experience have convinced me that it’s impossible to convince you. Everyone has their own palate. You like what you like. No wine writer/reviewer/critic can absolutely positively guarantee that you will like any specific wine.


My goal is to simply point out wines that IMO are well-made, reasonably priced and easy to find. If it’s delicious to me, chances are it will be at least decent for you. And it didn’t cost too much and you didn’t have to spend a lot of time shopping for it.


In my book, that’s a win win win.



Follow me on Instagram and YouTube for quick recommendations!