20 Nov A crowd pleaser for Turkey Day – Mer Soleil Chardonnay
For many of us, Thanksgiving can be a “once a year” occasion.
The meal often includes dishes that we enjoy just once a year.
Sitting with us at the table might be friends and family that we see just once a year.
And it’s not unusual for some of those guests to be once a year wine drinkers.
It’s the one time during the year when they imbibe.
It’s safe to say they aren’t worried about perfect pairings…
whether Gamay, Pinot Noir or Zinfandel is the right call
for turkey, stuffing or sweet potatoes.
They just want a glass of something they’ll enjoy,
either on its own or with the meal.

It’s Wine Thursday!
our regular feature where we check out
a good wine that sells at a reasonable price
and is easy to find at your store and online.
This Thursday we’re focused on next Thursday,
as we highlight a Chardonnay that should please a Turkey Day crowd…
regular wine drinkers and once a year drinkers alike.

Where it’s from
Mer Soleil, a French phrase meaning “sea & sun”. is an apt title for this winery.
Located in the Santa Lucia Highlands about 40 minutes south of Monterrey,
the Mer Soleil vineyards are influenced by the winds from the Pacific Ocean
and the warmth that emanates from the Salinas Valley.
What it is
With their 2022 reserve Chardonnay, the Mer Soleil team
celebrates the 30th vintage of this popular white.
In those three decades, they’ve clearly figured out how to produce a high-quality,
great bang-for-the-buck Chardonnay.
The ’22 reserve is all about balance…acidity, body and amount of oak all working with,
not against each other. There’s a laundry list of fruit flavors at play…pineapple,
lemon, peach, green apple…they’re all here. There’s also a touch of honey.
This wine is creamy and rich but also subtle at the same time.
It’s one of the best “grocery store” Chardonnays I’ve tasted in recent memory.
Could it work as the one and only wine you serve during the Thanksgiving feast?
Yes, but keep it chilled throughout the meal.
Where to buy it
Total Wine has Mer Soleil reserve Chardonnay for $18.49.
Safeway lists it for $19.99.
The price at QFC is $22.49. Fred Meyer sells it for $24.99.
It’s on the shelf at Bevmo for $25.99. Target has it for $26.99.
It’s at Albertsons for $27.49…$28.56 at Ralphs.
You can order it from Woods Wholesale for $15.93
On the West Coast, K & L has it for $15.95
B-21 has it for $16.98
And Buy Wines Online sells it for $17.95