31 Aug Charles Smith 2015 Kung Fu Girl riesling
How does a wine wind up being named Kung Fu Girl?
As the story goes, eclectic Washington state winemaker Charles Smith was watching Lucy Liu and Uma Thurman slash away at each other in the movie, Kill Bill.
Smith was inspired.
“Damn it. I’m going to make riesling! And I’m going to call it Kung Fu Girl!”
The rest is good-wine-at-a-good-price history.
For years, Kung Fu Girl has been a terrific buy. And it has consistently received favorable reviews.
The 2015 version of Kung Fu Girl keeps the streak going. Keep in mind this is riesling and rieslings are typically sweet. But here, the sweetness is subtle not syrupy. Lots of fruit flavors in this one: pear, peach and apple.
Seems like we’ve said this going into every weekend this summer but we’ll say it again: it’s supposed to be ridiculously hot for the next few days. Kung Fu Girl adequately chilled (don’t freeze it but chill it waaaayyyy down) would provide a nice respite from the triple-digit degree heat.
And it hits our Pat The Wine Guy bullseye: reasonably priced and readily available all over town. (Not that it’s a PTWG requirement but great label too!)
As of August 31, we found Charles Smith 2015 Kung Fu Girl riesling at:
Costco near PDX $8.99 Safeway NE 69th & Sandy $10.99
Safeway Hawthorne $10.99 QFC NE 56th & Burnside $10.99
Fred Meyer Hollywood $11.99 Fred Meyer Hawthorne $11.99
Whole Foods Hollywood $11.99
Costco Beaverton $8.99 Safeway NW Lovejoy $10.99
Safeway NW Cornell $10.99 QFC Barnes & Miller $11.99
Fred Meyer Stadium $11.99 Fred Meyer Walker Road $11.99
Fred Meyer Beaverton $11.99 Fred Meyer Raleigh Hills $11.99
Zupan’s Burnside $12.75 New Seasons Raleigh Hills $11.99
New Seasons NW Thurman $11.99
Costco Tigard $8.99 Safeway SW Barbur $10.99
Safeway Lake Oswego $10.99 Fred Meyer SW Barbur $11.99
Fred Meyer Tualatin $11.99 Zupan’s Boones Ferry LO $12.75
Zupan’s SW Macadam $12.75 New Seasons Lake Oswego $11.99
New Seasons Tualatin $11.99