19 Apr Back on KATU’s Afternoon Live, demo-ing (is that a word?) apps and websites that help you find a better bottle wherever and whenever you shop!
Posted at 16:48h
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What did we do before apps?
I have a vague recollection of the days when we actually read papers…asked for directions…talked to each other.
That was then. This is now. And now, there’s an app for everything.
For wine shopping, there are multiple apps…and websites…all designed to provide you with consumer-generated reviews to help you zero in on buying the best bottle.
On our latest appearance on KATU’s Afternoon Live, we demo two popular apps and slip in a massive plug for our favorite wine website which is…c’mon, you know what it is…Pat The Wine Guy, of course!
Here’s the link to the show. Check it out.
Big shout out/thank you to KATU producer Katie Arthur and of course, the nonpareil host, Tra’Renee Chambers!