15 Jul Pat The Wine Guy wants you! To participate in upcoming wine tastings!
We’re looking for volunteers to sample wine, share their opinions,
have some fun and sparkle on camera!
The plan: pull together some followers of PTWG, try some reds and whites that fit our criteria (good wine at good prices that’s easy to find) then have you give us your thumbs up or thumbs down and tell us why.
We’ll shoot the sessions then create video segments for the website and social media.
When and where? We’re working on that. Right now, we’re just seeing who’s interested. Just email us at pat@patthewineguy.com with your contact information and we’ll go from there.
We’d love to have you. It’ll be fun, educational…maybe both. And we’re working on a lovely parting gift for all participants. (Melinda, are those PTWG key fobs finished yet?)