03 Nov What’s in a name? – Ferrari Carano Fumé Blanc
Fumé Blanc and Sauvignon Blanc.
Are they one and the same?
More importantly, do we care?
The answers:
Somewhat and yes.
Fumé Blanc and Sauvignon Blanc are made from the same grape.
But the style of each wine is slightly different.
Back in the 60’s, American-made Sauvignon Blanc
had a bad reputation.
It was considered to be a simple, overly-sweet wine.
The great Robert Mondavi stepped in and
conducted an experiment. Working with Napa Valley grapes,
he crafted a wine that mimicked Pouilly-Fumé,
the revered French wine made from Sauvignon Blanc.
Mondavi’s version was drier, more oak-influenced
and had a hint of smokiness. The sweetness that plagued
previous California Sauvignon Blancs was gone.
He called his new creation Fumé Blanc,
or French for “smoky white”.
Some 50 years after Mondavi first tinkered
with the Sauvignon Blanc grape,
Fumé Blanc lives on, produced
mainly in California and Australia.

It’s Wine Thursday!
Every Thursday, we highlight a good wine
that sells at a reasonable price and is easy to find
at retail or online.
This week, we’re checking out one of the
most popular current versions of
Mondavi’s creation from many years ago.

Where it’s from
The Ferrari Carano winery is located near Healdsburg, California
in the renowned Dry Creek Valley.
With its immaculate gardens, scenic setting and substantial portfolio
of red, white and rosé, Ferrari Carano is a very popular Sonoma County
wine country destination.
What it is
The smoky flavors that are supposed to be present in a true Fumé Blanc
don’t show up here. In their place is fruit… and lots of it. This has juicy pear,
peach and apple flavors up front with grapefruit trailing on the finish.
It’s quite crisp with pleasant acidity and a tangy, tropical edge.
You will not mistake this for a Pouilly-Fumé from the Loire Valley.
Nonetheless, this Fumé Blanc is very easy to like,
especially for the price.
Where to buy it
Ferrari Carano’s Fumé Blanc is at Costco for $10.49. QFC’s price is $12.99.
It’s on the shelf at Vons for $13.32. Target has it for $13.99.
Total Wine, Bevmo and Albertsons all sell it for $14.99.
Ralphs has it for $15.70. Safeway’s price is $15.99.
You can order it from Wine Library for $10.66
Woods Wholesale Wine carries it for $10.96
The price at Vine Republic is $10.98