18 Feb For President’s Day, a presidential-inspired wine…The Federalist 2016 Lodi Zinfandel

I had no idea
that President’s Day originally honored just one guy and one occasion:
George Washington and his birthday.
Then the powers that be expanded the day to include Abe, Teddy, even Millard Fillmore.
In other words, the whole gang.
Now on President’s Day,
we honor ALL presidents, hold mattress sales and go skiing.

History lesson is over. Time for a glass of wine!
In keeping with the occasion, let us suggest The Federalist Lodi Zinfandel.
You can’t miss the label.
There’s the man himself, staring you down just as he does on the dollar bill.
About the wine, let me invoke the immortal words of George himself, “I can not tell a lie”…it’s not the most wonderful Zinfandel of all time.
It has some tasty fruit/berry flavors that nudge the taste profile toward the sweet side. When we sampled it in our office, we were split down the middle. Half thumbs up, half meh.
I will say that in this price range, which is generally a sea of Zinfandel sameness, The Federalist delivers good bang for the buck. It’s definitely worth a try.
You can find The Federalist at all Fred Meyer and QFC stores. Price – $16.

One last President’s Day shoutout to POTUS #1
While doing my research, I came across a number of sage quotes attributed to GW.
Amongst them:
“A good moral character is the first essential in a man.
It is therefore highly important that you should endeavor
not only to be learned but virtuous.”
Contrast that sentiment with what we hear,
and have to put up with,
in today’s political climate.
No wonder we still honor him…229 years later.
Happy President’s Day, everyone!