11 Sep For Wine Thursday!, we’re solid with Oregon Solidarity 2018 Pinot Noir
Oregon Solidarity
You might have heard the story.
It’s been developing for a year now.
We first wrote about it back in May.

A quick recap:
last September, a California wine maker contracted
to buy thousand of tons of southern Oregon grapes.
But just days before harvest,
the California company reneged on its promise,
cancelling the multi-million dollar order.
The reason: the wine maker claimed
the grapes were tainted by smoke from Oregon wildfires.
In fact, the grapes were fine.
Nonetheless, the Oregon vineyard owners
faced massive financial losses.

That’s when a coalition of Oregon wineries
rode to the rescue.
King Estate, Willamette Valley Vineyards,
Silvan Ridge Winery & The Eyrie Vineyards
bought the grapes in question
and produced three different types of wine
calling their effort “Oregon Solidarity”

They kicked it off
by releasing a rosé in May,
followed up with a chardonnay
and now completed the trio
with a pinot noir release last month.

For Wine Thursday!
our good-wine-at-a-good-price
that-you-can-find recommendation,
we’re featuring the Oregon Solidarity pinot noir.
This wine is a strong win-win.
Not only is it good pinot…
balanced and smooth with a great combination
of tannin and cherry/berry fruit flavors…
it’s for a good cause.
Net proceeds from the sale of Oregon Solidarity wines
are donated to the Rogue Valley Vintners
to support vineyards in the region.
We found Oregon Solidarity pinot noir
at Fred Meyer for $19.99,
Whole Foods for $22.99
and at QFC, New Seasons & Safeway
for $24.99.
You can also order through the website