28 Sep Something different! – 2019 Borsao Tres Picos Garnacha
Many wine writers, yours truly included, can be pests.
They’re constantly pounding the drum.
“You need to get out of your wine rut. Try something new!”
Your usual comeback is appropriate and quite understandable.
“I’d try something different if only I could find something different.”
Easier said than done.
That massive wall-of-wine at your favorite store is long on quantity
but typically short on variety.
But with a little digging, you might turn up an
under-the-radar gem like Garnacha.

It’s Wine Thursday!
This is our weekly call out of a good wine
that sells at a reasonable price and is readily available
at retail and through the internet.
You might know this wine as Grenache.
But since the version we’re focused on
is produced in Spain, it’s Garnacha.
Same grape…same underrated red.

Where it’s from
It’s rugged. It’s dry. It’s Aragon, a region in northeastern Spain.
Near Zaragoza, the capital city of Aragon,
the Borsao Winery produces a variety of wines including Tempranillo,
Chardonnay and Syrah. But Borsao is best known for its Garnacha.
What it is
Borsao’s Tres Picos consistently lands on many best-buy lists.
Medium-bodied, pleasantly-acidic and savory, this Garnacha
is brimming with juicy fruit flavors such as black cherry,
dark plum and orange zest.
It’s up there on the alcohol scale…15%…but it does not taste overpowering.
Do you have a decanter? Use it for this wine.
If not, I’d recommend you expose it to air for 30 minutes before pouring.
Where to buy it
Walmart has the 2019 Tres Picos for $17.97.
It’s at Marianos for $18.99.
Safeway and Albertsons both carry it for $21.99.
Fred Meyer has it for $22.99.
Total Wine lists it for $23.99 and BevMo’s price is $24.99.
You can order it from Empire Wine for $13.95
Station Plaza lists it at $13.98
It’s one penny more at Universal, $13.99
The price at B-21 is $14.98
Luekens has it for $14.99
Shoppers Wines sells it for $15.95
and Wine Exchange has it for $15.98