19 Jul We love tasting rooms! Here are tips on how to improve your tasting room experience from our latest appearance on KATUs Afternoon Live!
Tasting rooms are terrific! There’s nothing like being on the premises where the wine is made and, if you’re lucky, chatting with the people who created the wine.
Then there’s that magical, mystical hard-to-explain phenomenon that happens when you tip your glass. The wine just tastes a little bit better when you drink it at the winery/near the vineyard where the grapes were grown. Lots of theories about that but no scientifically-established reason. But we don’t care. If wine tastes better…anywhere…we’re not going to question it.
Between now and the Labor Day weekend, it’s the busy season for tasting rooms here in the NW. Thus, we thought we’d pass along some tasting room do’s and don’ts…how NOT to be a knucklehead in the tasting room… to the KATU Afternoon Live audience.
Here’s a link to the segment, now posted on our Pat The Wine Guy You Tube channel, complete with pointers on spitting technique. We leave no stone unturned at Pat The Wine Guy!
As always, thanks to the KATU crew, producer Katie and host Trá Renee, for having me on!