About Wine / 03.03.2017

We live in a time of mindless, inappropriate tweets. Our goofball-in-chief contributes to the mess on a daily basis. But every once in a while, we come across a tweet that actually makes a good point. “Wine is proof that God loves us and wants to see us happy” Who’s going to argue with that less-than-140 character pearl of wisdom? Truth is, it’s not a tweet at all. It’s a quote attributed to Benjamin Franklin. Well over 200 years ago, our founding fathers recognized wine’s contribution to society and civility. Keep in mind they...

About Wine / 02.03.2017

Deserved or not, wine has a reputation. Snooty. Pretentious. Elitist. Gary Grilli, the long-time wine steward at Walker Road Fred Meyer in Beaverton has a reputation also. It’s none of the above. Now in his 22nd year at the same store, Gary is one of the most down-to-earth people  you’ll ever meet. He’s the antithesis of a pushy salesman. “The last thing I want to be is ‘customer repellant’, Gary says. “I’ll help people if they want help. If not, I’ll leave them alone.” Most of Gary’s customers do tap into his expertise...